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Evidenced by Nature

A themed portfolio organized by Kirstin Dunlap and Jessie McClanahan in partnership with SGCI that exhibits the natural wonders of the world using printmedia as a vehicle.

Seen by many as a mother and protector is to show respect and love for the Earth that houses and provides for all who live within. Though now this planet is at an impasse as humankind has inflicted centuries of damage on it. We’ve proven time and time again that without proper intervention we will cause the demise of living creatures, including ourselves.

Within the printmaking realm, conversations about sustainability have been rapidly growing. With heavy utilization of sometimes toxic chemicals and large amounts of resources like water and paper, now is the time to reevaluate our material and methodology choices. As resources become increasingly limited, more conscious thought should be put into the choices we make while maintaining our artistic practices. What are ways that we can utilize more earth-conscious processes, recycled or sustainably forged materials, and just simple ways of working that create a more eco-friendly work environment?

Participating Artists
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Evidenced By Nature will be on exhibit at the SGCI 2024 conference Verified By Proof in Providence, RI from April 3-6, 2024

For more information on the conference, click here.

Academic Research

This portfolio acts as a continuation of the research that Kirstin Dunlap and Jessie McClanahan have done both independently and together. This research has revolved around themes of environmentalism, printmaking, ceramics, and learning to maintain an artistic practice with our Earth in mind.

We encourage you to review the research papers by both Dunlap and McClanahan to get a better grasp of where their passions lie within the intersection of art and science.

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